Sunday, February 19, 2012

Bobst! by Sera

When I want to study in a library, Poly's library is the place I'm supposed to go... But after one semester, I hardly go there anymore! Instead, Bobst becomes my first option and new york public library is my favorite!

the reasons why I don't like poly's library are: it is too small;  can hardly find a table before exams; the temperature is too high(in winter)/ low ( in summer); sometimes it is too noisy!

For NYU-POLY, who has undergraduate, graduate, and phd students, only offering with a " two floors" library, sounds very crazy. Students need enough space to study, like the picture showed above, "nice, wide, quiet" space is necessary!

Team-work is one of the most popular part in every course, so if there are enough rooms for teams to discuss things, then our library won't be that noisy all the time^_^.

So, if there is one thing can be changed in the future, I hope a larger, nicer library comes first!



  1. oh and did you know that on top of all of this the management department was given two study rooms in the library just last year?!

  2. Bobst is really inspiring. Not only does it draw an entire lot of students, it's also designed to keep them there for longer. The facilities are just amazing.

  3. Thanks Sera.. Your post seems to highlight two things important for a library for you: it has to afford both privacy (quiet time to read and work) and proximity (social space, collaborative space)... but it is hard to find the right balance. It also seems to me that the second element is an emergent one... a need for the new library... or maybe it could be that we don't need these collaborative spaces in the library... they could be somewhere else. At INSEAD, there were a lot of "break out rooms" for students work... and some of the group spaces were in open spaces like hallways, and some were more closed... that might be that the library in the space of the library (knowing that one cannot necessarily stretch 2 floors :-) ) could be to add breakout spaces, collaborative spaces in various areas on the campus... The library could still have some but not necessarily so many so that people still can have some quite spaces... However, one thing that I noticed is that you might want to have nearby the library (or within the library) a space for informal and social interactions...
