Sunday, February 12, 2012

Interview on what makes you feel at home?


instead of only focusing on my own experience, I decided to go and interview people.
Here is my first interview with Guilhem Tamisier, a French media strategist, currently based in New York, but who has worked and lived in France, Singapore and London.

what makes you feel at home?

reading by the fire place with a glass of wine in my apartment
creating music in my studio
having friends coming for dinner

My street, my neighborhood in Brooklyn: because I know things, I know the shops, the restaurants and some people too... It feels familiar. I'm comfortable. When I come out of the subway station in the evening, coming from work and Manhattan, I feel good.

My apartment in Paris: because it's my only property and I can stay there on my own when I spend some time in Paris where I have family and friends, without feeling I have to be social and meet people.

Airports because it gives me a sense of complete freedom. It's the gateways to travel and adventure, as well as a way to go back home.
Airports are the place of possibilities by excellence.

A series of things that matter in defining "home" emerged from this conversation:
Home is about places, people and activities. It's not only about physical infrastructure, but also about emotions and experiences.
Home was associated with a sense of familiarity, comfort and ease together with a sense of possibilities (resources, potential).

I'll try to do a few more interviews in this inspiration phase.

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